標題: Cheap NFL jerseys China Dr. Roger Luncheon

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註冊 2017-10-27
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發表於 2017-11-11 12:18
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…armed soldiers,Cheap Jerseys From China, corrected situation when breach was pointed out-Dr.? Luncheon The Venezuelan delegation that was in Guyana accompanied by armed military personnel from that country, was in fact a breach of the agreement under which they were allowed to enter this country but once this breach was drawn to their attention, they made the suitable apologies and corrected the situation.A photo depicting the armed Venezuelan soldiers with the group that visited Guyana.This is according to Head of the Presidential Secretariat and Chairman of the Defence Board, Dr. Roger Luncheon, who said that the recent media reports of armed Venezuelan soldiers in Guyana, was never an issue.Dr. Luncheon told media operatives this past week that “I was unaware at what point it was declared an issue.”The Chairman of the Defence Board said this past week that what in fact happened was that Guyana was visited by a delegation of Venezuelans,Cheap NFL Jerseys, primarily University students and officials.He said that these officials were accompanied by members of the Venezuelan border military.Dr Luncheon added, “This was a visit that obtained the approval of the appropriate authorities at the point at which the delegation entered Guyana.”He said that this is according to the official reports from the Guyanese authorities in the area.Asked about the nature of the visit, Dr. Luncheon said “I don’t pretend to be as au fait as others who have pronounced and displayed their knowledge of the purpose of the visit but official sources from the Guyanese authorities at the border were that they sought permission and received permission to engage Guyanese communities on the border.”He said that these Guyanese on the border communities that the Venezuelan delegation wanted to visit “assumedly had some relationship with Venezuela”.Dr. Luncheon said that these relationships could either be biological or trading in nature “or such,Cheap China Jerseys,” and that the Venezuelans were inquiring on the Guyanese side, “their thoughts feelings and attitudes towards Venezuela.”Dr. Luncheon was asked specifically, why the Venezuelan military personnel were allowed to bring their weapons into Guyana, to which he said this assumption would be “putting the cart before horse.”He insisted that the Venezuelan military personnel were not allowed to bring their weapons,Cheap Jerseys Online, “and it was as far as the authorities there were concerned, a breach of the agreement, the understanding under which they were allowed to enter Guyana.”Dr. Luncheon said that it was “a breach, once drawn to their attention, (they) made the suitable apologies and corrected, this is the report that was provided.”The excursion by the Venezuelan delegation to Guyana occurred on the very day that country’s President Nicolas Maduro was on an official state visit locally sparking a myriad of speculations.It was reported in a Venezuelan publication that the visit was being viewed as an act of provocation by certain fringe groups in Venezuela, to embarrass President Maduro.According to Venezuela’s El Universal online newspaper, “On August 31, while Venezuelan President Nicol?s Maduro was paying an official visit to Georgetown,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Guyana to offer economic and social support to that country, 45 Venezuelans went on a mission crossing the Cuyan? River and into the Guyana-Venezuela disputed area accompanied by officers of the Venezuelan Army.”Law student, Ricardo de Toma, a member of the organization, is quoted by El Universal as saying that “We came here to carry out a civil exercise of sovereignty, but we do not understand what was Nicol?s Maduro doing there (in Guyana).”Also there were administrator Jorge Luis Fuguett, and internationalist Rajihv Morillo.De Toma was critical of his President’s visit,Cheap China Jerseys, saying that in spite of the mining projects Guyana has been developing in the Essequibo disputed area, and the granting of oil concessions in front of the Venezuelan Atlantic front by Guyana, Maduro’s bilateral visit was to spread an “ideological model.”El Universal published a number of photos of the visit by the group. One of them showed a Guyanese flag on a property at Eteringbang, where the group landed. The GDF also has a base at that border area.Another photo indicated a soldier donned in what appeared to be GDF clothing in conversation with an armed member of the Venezuelan army. Yet a third photo was of a GDF official being recorded on camera and speaking to members of the group.A fourth photo depicted persons wearing Venezuelan army outfits and armed with guns awaiting members of the group