標題: Cheap Jerseys USA up to the moment

帖子 11665
註冊 2017-10-27
用戶註冊天數 2440
發表於 2017-11-12 17:15
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Mexican Ambassador to Guyana,Wholesale NFL Store, Fernando Sandoval, has said that his country has been successful in radical measures to stop the spread of the flu virus A (H1N1) popularly known as Swine Flu.During a press conference yesterday, the Ambassador said that in the last days there have not been any more flu deaths in Mexico.He added that the spread of the flu has diminished and Mexico is making progress in the mitigation of flu A H1N1.According to Ambassador Sandoval, the outbreak of the flu virus A (AH1N1) that has been registered in different countries (up to the moment, according to the WHO, in 24) represents a global challenge.He noted that international cooperation is essential to overcome this challenge.The Ambassador stated that once Mexico was aware, on April 23, that a new human flu virus was present in the country, classes in all schools and universities, in Mexico City and in the State of Mexico were suspended, until this week.“Mexico City was called to a standstill. From the 1st to the 5th of May almost all activities were suspended, with the exception of those which affect the provision of essential goods and services to the community.”At the same time, he added, some preventative measures were taken to decrease the chance of infection, such as: washing hands frequently, covering the mouth when coughing or sneezing with a tissue and avoid going to crowded places.“The government has carried out an informative campaign, which includes reporting the symptoms of the disease. The intention of these radical measures was to stop the spread of the disease. And,Cheap Jerseys From China, at the moment we have been successful.”According to the Ambassador, economic activities in the public and private sector are gradually being reestablished on a careful and secure manner.The government, he added,NFL Jerseys China, continues under epidemiologic contingency and following preventive measures.“The flu virus AH1N1 represents a great challenge for Mexicans. However, the population’s support and the implementation of governmental policies have led to significant results. The speed of the virus spread has diminished by 80 per cent during the last days.”Ambassador Sandoval also said that Mexico maintains open borders. “The President of Mexico has emphasized the importance of taking decisions based on information and recommendations issued by the World Health Organisation.”With reference to the situation of Mexicans in countries that have placed restrictions on travelers, the Government of Mexico has clearly noted its concern about and opposition to the improper treatment and the inspection measures that the authorities of other countries have subjected some of our citizens to,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, he added.According to him, Mexico has been discharging its responsibilities with timeliness and resolve.“There is no justification whatsoever for violating the rights of any citizen,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, or for adopting measures that have no basis in science of public health. FAO,Wholesale Jerseys, WHO and OIE (International Organization of Employers) made a joint statement about the virus A (H1N1) and the Safety of Pork and Pork Products.”Those organisations, he said, communicated that there is no danger in acquiring the flu virus from eating pork or pork products.He said that the assistance and cooperation given to Mexico by the governments of Canada and of the United States must be underlined; their support and advice on technical and scientific matters have been of enormous value to Mexico.