標題: nfl jerseys authentic cheap February

帖子 11665
註冊 2017-10-27
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發表於 2017-11-12 10:28
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Failure on the part of the Georgetown Municipality to honour its payment obligation by this month end to waste disposal contractors for services rendered could see the contractors withdrawing their service once more.Reports are that the Municipality owes an accumulated sum of about $70M to the contractors – Puran Brothers Waste Disposal Service, Cevon’s Waste Management Incorporated and Crawler and Wheeler Waste Disposal Service.This newspaper has learnt that since paying each contractor 50 percent of the amount owed for works carried out in the month of January,Wholesale Soccer Jerseys Authentic, the M&CC has not attempted to pay a cent more. The Municipality is therefore yet to honour its obligation for the remainder of January,Cheap Adidas Hockey Jerseys, February, March and this month.A management official at Puran Brothers Waste Disposal Service, in an invited comment yesterday,Wholesale Hockey Jerseys, said that while the entity does not wish to withdraw its service from the city,Cheap Jerseys From China, that move will become inevitable if no funds are forthcoming from the Municipality by the end of this week.He said that the entity would be willing to settle for the 50 percent payment owed for the month of January and another month’s payment at the least.“We keep calling them and we have sent a written reminder to them and they keep promising and promising but they have not paid up,” the official said.According to the official, every possible effort is engaged to facilitate the cash-strapped state of the City Council in hope that an amicable resolution could be derived.“We know it isn’t easy for them but at the rate things are going in terms of payment we are now contemplating withdrawing our service. It is obvious to them that we cannot go on without payment.”The Municipality was also in receipt of another reminder letter from Crawler and Wheeler Disposal Service, as according to an official,China Jerseys Cheap, the entity is currently without money for fuel and for the payment of salary.“We have expended all of our money…It is like almost four months and we can’t get payment from City Hall. The most we can do is work until month end and that will have to be it for us until they can pay us something.”This newspaper was unable to solicit a comment from Cevon’s Waste Management Services yesterday but has been able to ascertain that the entity is currently enduring a similar fate.No official word from the Municipality was forthcoming yesterday as it relates to the situation.By mid-year last year the Municipality was confronted with a similar challenge which resulted in the contractors briefly withdrawing their service from the Municipality, a situation which saw a massive pile-up of waste in the city.Resulting from that situation,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, the matter was discussed at the level of council and a proposal was made for the Municipality to undertake waste collection utilising its own human resource.However, there has been no word from the Municipality whether this measure will eventually be implemented.